Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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March 12 Car Rally

  • 09 Mar 2017 3:10 PM
    Reply # 4657924 on 4605538
    Deleted user

    The pictures show road conditions that are reminiscent of a rally that occurred  15+ years ago when  Ray Bourne, VE6LG and I had volunteered. One of the competitors was stuck and could not get his vehicle (on trailer being pulled by a van) from being stuck down a hill. It took our two vehicles (and a set of tire chains) to get everyone out of there. This competitor then drove off and down a 20ft embankment with his van (tow vehicle) + trailer and race car and coming to rest at the base of a large tree (3 occupants, no injuries -- clearly a miracle). Extremely slippery conditions!  Make sure your vehicle (and tires) are up to the challenge. If your operating position, along the course is remote (up and over hills) maybe you should pack a set of tire chains as well. Plan and prepare!

    Tino, VE6MB

    Last modified: 09 Mar 2017 3:27 PM | Deleted user
  • 09 Mar 2017 8:26 AM
    Reply # 4656871 on 4605538

    Great photos.  I think Mother Nature has done a great job of blocking a few of the spots.  Blocking on 1-6 especially 3 is going to be critical and the busiest as that road is accessed by lots of back country recreationlists.  Good news is there won't be any dust or mud to worry about.

  • 08 Mar 2017 11:42 PM
    Reply # 4656296 on 4605538
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Brad from CSCC went out to the rally venue and took some pictures of the various blocker locations. You can find them at the links below. It's going to be a fun day!


  • 07 Mar 2017 9:40 PM
    Reply # 4654143 on 4605538
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Maps, Maps, Maps!

    We have maps!  I received maps and location coordinates for the rally from CSCC today, so here they are in various formats.

    1) If you have APRS software (APRSIS32, YAAC, APRSDROID...) and have connected with the Internet servers, then I have started beaconing the objects and you should see them appearing NW of Cochrane. The beaconing will be intermittent between now and Saturday, but I'll try to keep it running as much as possible. Note that I have not yet started beaconing the objects via RF, so you'll need an Internet connection for now.

    2) This link will access a PDF with human readable maps. Note that GPS coordinates are not included for most locations at this time.

    3) This link will access a .kml file that should be loadable into most GPS devices. There is an online translation program (find it with Google) that can convert this to .gpx format if you want to load it into APRS software as an overlay.

    We'll go over the maps at the training session on Thursday. See you there!



    Garry, VE6GDS 

  • 06 Mar 2017 1:27 PM
    Reply # 4651408 on 4605538
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Regarding APRS, I'll clarify its use at the training session on Thursday. It's not mandatory, but for those who have it, it can be helpful. I'll demonstrate it at the presentation.

    See everyone on Thursday! 

  • 06 Mar 2017 1:20 PM
    Reply # 4651402 on 4605538
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Thanks, Harry. You make a good point about minimizing use of the Harold Creek Road on Saturday due to setup. Anyone who does use this road on Saturday should use extra care to watch for setup teams who may be present. Additionally, there will be limited access to this road on Sunday morning, once it is closed for the rally stages.

    However, for anyone who is staying at Camp Kindle on Saturday night, the Harold Creek Rd. is likely to be the most straightforward route to the rally stages. (Going back through Water Valley, Cochrane, Waiparous Village, and up the Forestry Trunk Rd. would be a very long trip!)  Additionally, for those operators wanting to go back to Camp Kindle or exit via Water Valley after the rally is over, Harold Creek Rd. is likely the best option.

    Despite the above, all operators are requested to take note of Harry's comments about the Harold Creek Rd. This route should be taken at slow speed and with extra care. Drivers who are not confident that their skill level and vehicle are up to the challenge may wish to plan alternate routes.


    Garry VE6GDS

  • 06 Mar 2017 8:20 AM
    Reply # 4650333 on 4605538

    As far as APRS goes I wouldn't worry about using it.  Net control will be at service and there is no internet access or cell coverage there.  Camp Kindle has no internet and limited cell as well.  The Net Control is new and will need the radio operators to provide clear communications for her.

  • 06 Mar 2017 8:14 AM
    Reply # 4650327 on 4605538

    Harold creek from 40 in the west to camp Kindle is a stage, they will be on that stage setting up on Saturday.  The road is very narrow and the rally wisely dictates that coming into camp Kindle stay off Harold creek and come in from Water Valley in the east.  From the way the snow and temps are I would not use Harold creek even if it was permitted.  Harold creek road with snow and ice is very tricky and extreme caution should be used when driving on it.

    Last modified: 06 Mar 2017 8:15 AM | Harry Maylor
  • 05 Mar 2017 5:17 PM
    Reply # 4649498 on 4605538
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Hello rally radio operators;

    Below is a link to the radio configuration guidelines for the rally. All operators are requested to review these guidelines and configure your equipment accordingly for the rally. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.



    Garry, VE6GDS


    Last modified: 05 Mar 2017 5:17 PM | Garry Spicer (Administrator)
  • 05 Mar 2017 4:38 PM
    Reply # 4649450 on 4605538
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    This is a clarification concerning the prior post about rally accommodations at Camp Kindle.

    Some members have pointed out that the aforementioned post could be interpreted as implying that the Harold Creek Rd. (#579) between Camp Kindle and Forestry Truck Rd. (#40) is not passable. However, I drove out there yesterday, and was able to use the Harold Creek Rd. to get from Camp Kindle to the Forestry Trunk Rd.

    Approaching from the East via Water Valley was also possible yesterday, and is an easier drive. So, while it is recommended that drivers approach Camp Kindle from the East, if possible; it seems feasible to approach from the West, if necessary.

    Despite the above, all drivers are advised that reduced speed and extra caution should be applied if using Harold Creek Rd. Always bear in mind the weather and road conditions; and always drive within your own ability and the capability of your vehicle. Safety is top priority.


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