Debrief Report ON CARA 2023 Winter Field Day. Contesting Details to Follow.
January 30, 2023
Winter Field Day 2023 has concluded. Thank you to the Executive and the Trailer Group for permitting the use of the communications trailer, allowing us to participate in this event.
The trailer always impresses those who see it for the first time and we had quite a few new people attend. Here is a quick overview:
1. Approximately 25 people came to the site on Saturday to help set up, visit or operate.
2. The Yagi was raised on the trailer mast. We put up the 40m ham stick.
3. No dipole this year.
4. The radio and laptop behaved well, no CAT problems. There was a little hiccup at the beginning with a baud rate mismatch between laptop and radio. Once resolved, no issues were encountered.
5. 20m was very noisy. We did not have any interior roof lights on but the solar system was on so it's possible that was the source but it was a lot of noise, S8+.
6. 15m was quite good - worked through lots of pileups. Received great signal reports from Texas and Minnesota - "booming", "awesome", "S9++"
7. Will confirm once the log is submitted, but we made approximately 500 QSOs in this event.
8. Very happy to report that 3 recent graduates of the Basic class operated this event - Chris, VE6TNO, Isaiah, VA6YAL and Claude, VE6GTX (vroom vroom!!). Chris has operated at the station a few times but for Isaiah and Claude it was their first. I am chuffed they took my little practice QSO script to heart as well as my suggestion to take the time needed to ensure getting all the required information despite me being a little yelly sitting beside them - QRZ! QSL! again, again - hi hi!
They did very well and should be proud of their first HF contest.
9. Take down went well. We did several sweeps of the site to ensure nothing was left behind and that the spot was clean.
Some maintenance items:
A. I have the laptop with me. I will work with Rob – okay lean heavily on him! – to submit the log.
B. I also have the tent canopy and side panels. They are hanging in our basement to dry. To be honest, it looks like a clean room/meth lab like you would see in the movies – really cool, kids are impressed! I’ll fold and pack them up when they’re completely dry.
C. Question about the laptop – it refused to recognize a second com port. If it is by design or desire, nothing further to do, carry on. If not, I can update the driver so additional ports can be added – please advise.
D. Bendy light at the radio end of the table doesn’t work – bulb burned out?
All in all, it was a successful event on a very cold weekend. We are happy to provide more information or clarifications as needed.
Thanks again for letting us play radio with the trailer!
Peter LaGrandeur, VA6RPL
Neeroo Sharma-Hall, VE6NRO