Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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Gathering Eclipse Data via HAM RADIO Volunteers

  • 07 Dec 2020 11:09 AM
    Reply # 9410795 on 9406318

    Hi Pat,

    That is a great idea. I participated , along with Greg VE6GRT in the WWV centennial event run by the same group. It is an interesting exercise and gives an opportunity to contribute to a growing citizen science project.

    I was using my own Flexradio 5000a to make the measurements, and I think it would be a good project for the club Flexradio.

    I understand that the new tuner is delivered to the club, so the opportunity to get the Flex in action and to use it in this project is there.

    I am sure willing to have a go at this, anyone wanting to join, please let me know.

    Ian VE6IXD

  • 05 Dec 2020 1:12 AM
    Message # 9406318
    Patrick (Administrator)

    A solar eclipse is coming up in just a few weeks, and although with its path of totality near the southern tip of South America means that not many people will be able to see it first-hand, there is an opportunity to get involved with it even at an extreme distance. PhD candidate [Kristina] and the organization HamSCI are trying to learn a little bit more about the effects of an eclipse on radio communications, and all that is required to help is a receiver capable of listening in the 10 MHz range during the time of the eclipse.

    It’s definitely a time that ham radio could embrace the hacker community.

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