Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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D-Star Calgary Repeater info request

  • 08 Jul 2018 12:10 PM
    Reply # 6365541 on 5076723
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Other than the Friday night Canada Wide net and the Sunday night international DStar net feel free to unlink.

    Particularly B (UHF) is usually on REF001C when not in use, if you want to use B pls when you are done it helps to put it back on it. There are more than a few who like to listen on 1C (sadly not contribute as much) .

    DStar and repeater enquiries are best served (Faster) by emailing or then team who can help gets the inquiry faster.




  • 05 Jul 2018 7:59 AM
    Reply # 6361486 on 6359074
    Robert (Administrator)
    To answer the questions Andrew Webb posed:

      regards to reflector use?

    As far as I know the VE6IPG DSTAR repeater is open to all

    As far as I know  any one can unlink VE6IPG and move over to another reflector when needed?

    A good operator always checks to see if frequency is in use. etiquette

    As long as you know how to setup your radio you can unlink  and then link to XRF018B, the Ottawa area reflector on occasion should be possible. 

    When you are done unlink
    Other users can connect to either REF or XRF reflectors or for that mater another DSAR repeater when they wish to.

    Rob VE6CCL

  • 03 Jul 2018 1:59 PM
    Reply # 6359074 on 5076723


    I was wondering what the CARA Rules are for the VE6IPG DSTAR repeater and etiquette with regards to reflector use? Particularly I was wondering if I am allowed to unlink the VE6IPG and move over to another reflector when needed? Thought I would ask before hand so as not to ruffle any feather or go against any rules that might be in place. Looking to link over to XRF018B, the Ottawa area reflector on occasion. 


    Andrew VE6EN

  • 15 Sep 2017 9:48 AM
    Reply # 5262345 on 5076723

    Thanks Robert! I have looked over that info. I am likely in a bad spot to reach VE6IPG and would prefer to register to it when I finally get some D-Star gear. I wondered if all the calls directed to me would go through IPG or would check other repeaters I have been using. Or whether I should register to the strongest D-Star repeater I can access...not sure of the "politically correct" way around it without steppiong on anyone's toes so to speak. I will have to send Dave an email and check with him further on it.


    Lawrence CE6LS

  • 14 Sep 2017 6:37 AM
    Reply # 5228281 on 5076723
    Robert (Administrator)

    DStar is alive and well

    There is some information on about VE6IPG at the following link.

    To get full access to the DStar network you do need to register on one of the gateway repeaters. (But only ONE)

    Best you also contact VA6DBA

  • 12 Sep 2017 1:29 PM
    Message # 5076723

    I'm pondering to get an HT for D-star in the near future. I am in the Kincora area, Symons Valley with poor access to repeaters in SW/SE beyond Nose Hill.  I doubt I  would reach a VE6IPG machine so a repeater like VE6GHZ would be easier to access. Is there any gentleman's protocol to which D-Star that I eventually would register for? Or are there any groups that would be offended if you accessed their repeater vs our clubs' (you many send me a private email on that if you prefer ...I am not trying to stir up bad feelings LOL !). Currently I do have  DMR (MD380) capability  on VE6RYC UHF.

    73, Lawrence VE6LS

    Last modified: 13 Sep 2017 3:39 PM | Lawrence Coker

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