Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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ARRL January VHF Contest --

  • 02 Feb 2017 10:33 AM
    Reply # 4583553 on 4502546
    Robert (Administrator)

    I submitted log for CG6AO


    -------- Forwarded Message --------

    Subject: CG6AO
    Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 17:20:33 +0000 (UTC)

    Congratulations, you've successfully uploaded your ARRL January VHF Contest contest log. Your confirmation number is 4350550.arrl-vhf-jan Thank you for entering the contest and submitting your log via the ARRL's web form. Please review the information listed below and, if necessary, resubmit your log to make any corrections. If you have any questions about your log, please contact the Contest section at Analysis of your uploaded log: Contest: ARRL-VHF-JAN Call Sign: CG6AO Category: Limited Multioperator Operator: MULTI-OP - Created from: Number of operators question (Answer: Only two) Mode: MIXED Power: HIGH - Created from Highest power question (Answer: 50/144: 100W or less, 222/432: 50W or less, 902 up: N/A) Band: ALL Transmitter: LIMITED Station: FIXED Location: AB Club: CALGARY ARA E-mail: QSOs in Log: 24 Confirmation: 4350550.arrl-vhf-jan Log received at: 2017-02-02 17:20:32 UTC

    Last modified: 04 Feb 2017 10:36 AM | Robert (Administrator)
  • 23 Jan 2017 11:44 AM
    Reply # 4564344 on 4502546
    Deleted user

    It was great to hear all the activity on the VHF bands during the contest, there was another good turnout. I personally had 52 contacts with 18 unique stations/callsigns (vs. 52 contacts with 15 unique stations/callsigns in September). However between the two contests, it wasn't the same people participating....only 5 people were the same for the two contests. This is a good diversity of people and participation.

    If anyone reading this has not tried a contest such as this, I recommend you give it a try....or even just pop on the air and provide some contacts. The next such opportunity specifically for VHF purposes is the ARRL June VHF Contests (although there are a number of other contests and field day as well).

    Hear you on the bands!

    Tino, VE6MB

  • 18 Jan 2017 6:29 AM
    Reply # 4554338 on 4502546
    Robert (Administrator)
    ARRL January VHF Contest: 1900Z, Jan 21 to 0359Z, Jan 23
      Mode: Any
      Bands: 50 MHz and up
      Classes: Single Op (Low/High)
               Single Op Portable
               Single Op 3 Band
               Single Op FM
               Limited Rover
               Unlimited Rover
               Limited Multi-Op
      Max power: (see rules)
      Exchange: 4-character grid square
      Work stations: Once per band
      QSO Points: 1 point per 50 or 144 MHz QSO
                  2 points per 222 or 432 MHz QSO
                  4 points per 902 or 1296 MHz QSO
                  8 points per 2.3 GHz or higher QSO
      Multipliers: Grid squares once per band
                   Rovers: grid squares operated from once regardless of band
      Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
      Submit logs by: 0359Z February 22, 2017
      E-mail logs to: JanuaryVHF[at]arrl[dot]org
      Upload log at:
      Mail logs to: January VHF
                    225 Main St.
                    Newington, CT 06111
      Find rules at:

  • 11 Jan 2017 6:43 PM
    Reply # 4543017 on 4502546
    Robert (Administrator)

    The ARRL January VHF Contest is fast approaching.

    If any one wishes to participate from the CARA Club Station we can provide opportunities on  6m, 2m, 70cm, 222Mhz, 900Mhz, and  1.2Ghz .
    Contact Rob VE6CCL for more information and schedule.

    There are a number of local hams who will be participating in this activity and it would be well received if we can all provide contacts on any VHF UHF Simplex frequency. 

    Contest begins 1900 UTC Saturday, ends 0359 UTC Monday (January 21-23, 2017)

    We have equipment BUT some preparation is required . 

    ve6ccl @ shaw . ca

  • 03 Jan 2017 6:56 PM
    Reply # 4505955 on 4502546
    Robert (Administrator)

    Looking for  QSO points and band Mults?  

     You have to go a fair distance to get the ones around the four that are in Calgary   DO20 DO21 DO30 and DO31 meet somewhere in the Ogdon rail yard. The north south boundary between 30 and 31 aligns along highway 2 north.  The east west boundary between 20 and 30 is roughly Glenmore Trail west of Chinook. There are some websites that have Grid Square maps

    Some one will be monitoring 146.520 FM and 50.125 SSB from Club Station between Noon and 3 PM SATURDAY;  We can go from there to try other bands and modes.

    Good luck


    Last modified: 18 Jan 2017 6:45 AM | Robert (Administrator)
  • 03 Jan 2017 10:32 AM
    Message # 4502546
    Deleted user

    REMINDER: ARRL January VHF Contest -- Time to start planning!

    A reminder that the ARRL January VHF Contest is fast approaching. There are a number of local hams who are anticipating participating in this activity and it would be well received if there were others willing to provide contacts on all simplex frequencies from  6m, 2m, 70cm, 222Mhz, 900Mhz, 1.2Ghz and above.

    Contest begins 1900 UTC Saturday, ends 0359 UTC Monday (January 21-23, 2017)

    There was very good participation during the last contest in September, and I know that I (as well as others) look forward to additional participation during this next major contest.

    Why not consider participating yourself? It's easy and enjoy the camaraderie of other VHF/UHF/SHF enthusiasts. There are those who are also considering mobile/rover activities in addition to those who will operate from the home shack.

    Complete contest rules available at:

    Feel free to ask questions here and plan a weekend activity of fun, and see if you're up to the challenge (and maybe even local bragging rights for having the top points in any category). We have some very competitive HAMS here in Alberta.

    Tino, VE6MB

    Last modified: 18 Jan 2017 6:34 AM | Robert (Administrator)

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