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VE6AZX - AllStar Node 43378, Possible to Link to Repeater?

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  • 05 Jul 2016 12:34 PM
    Reply # 4116018 on 4115641
    Robert (Administrator)

     IRLP, Echolink, have been around for a while.  I had an eqso node running a few years ago.  DStar was introduced by ICom and  FreeSTAR, DutchSTAR, etc. work together. Now we have Fusion and DMR.   The list goes on.

    How long has AllStar been around.  Who started it.  are there links to a website for more information?

    Rob VE6CCL

  • 05 Jul 2016 10:10 AM
    Reply # 4115662 on 4114659
    Deleted user
    I've been doing some more reading about this. When this is done, the hang-time and ID need to be suppressed somehow so as not to be transmitted back through the internet link. Usually it's the remote node that handles transmitting the ID and adding hangtime. 

    There is one alternative - which is to get the repeater to follow the input PL - i.e. transmit on the same PL that it receives. 

    Can someone please let me know how VE6RY is set up? Would this be possible, or is there another repeater known that would work better?

  • 05 Jul 2016 9:50 AM
    Reply # 4115641 on 4114659
    Deleted user

    What you describe (remote RF into a repeater) is how many IRLP, Echolink, FreeSTAR, DutchSTAR, etc. nodes operate. They are not necessarily co-located at a repeater site. The key is that you have permission from the repeater operator....

    Tino, VE6MB

  • 05 Jul 2016 8:21 AM
    Reply # 4115470 on 4114659
    Robert (Administrator)

    I think this is a project worth pursuing . my be combined with current irlp projects at ve6RY.  Need to find out more

  • 04 Jul 2016 3:23 PM
    Message # 4114659
    Deleted user


    I've met many of the members of CARA at the last general meeting - I'm glad to have made your acquaintance. It looks like a vibrant group with lots of technical knowledge. My question is fairly simple, and concerns the operation of a simplex AllStar (similar to IRLP but with different features) node that I have at my house. 

    I can't put an antenna up high, so it only reaches about 5 kilometers in any direction with a mobile radio. 

    I was wondering if it would be within industry canada rules to change its input and output frequencies to those of a nearby repeater, and increase usable range of the node this way. I'd obviously need the permission of the repeater owner / operator to do this. 

    Is this idea workable? If so, would it be possible to use VE6RY (which says it's mostly used for autopatches), for this purpose? 




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