The 2022 Basic Class has completed successfully.
After quite a long fall and coooold winter, some ups and downs but we have furthered ham radio in Calgary. Of the original 38 registrants, 14 passed with honors, 7 basic passes, 2 did not make the necessary 70%, and there are still 2 left that have yet to test.
A special thank you to all of the volunteers that helped out:
Jerry VE6TL, Brent VE6BXB, John VE6TRB, Patrick VE6PDS, Neeroo VE6NRO, Dana VA6DJH, and Ameer VA6QAS. We wouldn't have been able to do it without everyone's help.
Also a reminder to all CARA members that this is only the first step for the new hams; we all have to get them involved in the hobby somehow, be it CARA, SASTAR or just tinkering.
See some pictures in the photo album. 2022-Basic-Class