Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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President's Message 2020 November

14 Nov 2020 3:22 PM | Peter LaGrandeur (Administrator)

Greetings, fellow amateur radio fans. 

It has rotated to my turn to speak in behalf of the Executive Committee this month.  

We’ve just finished CARA’s second and last amateur radio event for 2020, the Test Day for the 2020 Rocky Mountain Rally, held on the Kananaskis Jumping Pound Forest Demonstration Loop, last Saturday.  Many thanks to local hams who made it out. In particular, kudos goes to CARA members Dana Harding VA6DJH and Garry Spicer VE6GDS for providing the leadership for the communications side of the event.  Before the event was greatly scaled back, due to Covid, we had a very large registration of radio operators for the day.  Over forty two, the last I heard. In the end, we were able to use maybe seven radio people for the rally.  Let’s hope that the world is free from this plague by this time next year. 

Your executive committee continues to work hard for the members.  Some of our initiatives include:

  • developing new expeditious and logical procedures for storage and disposal of items that are casino funded surplus, and for items that are donated to CARA by Silent Keys. This includes management of the club’s vacuum tube bank. 

  • working with the Calgary Sports Car Club on upgrades to the grounds and building which will mutually benefit them and CARA. 

  • Identifying ways to recognize and reward outstanding club members, such as Life members. 

  • Examining new technologies that can benefit amateur radio and CARA’s facilities around the Calgary area.

Covid, on the surface, is definitely something that, seemingly, puts a massive damper on many of our activities.  However, it’s does not have to hold us down.  Please MAKE opportunities to continue our learning and social activities using radio and digital technology.  We are masters of those media.  For example, I’m hearing that the club’s education department is now working on creating distance learning programs. To support that, a pool of instructors and Elmers is being formed to provide early support and encouragement for not only long timers, but especially, new hams, who might otherwise drift away.  Please contact Patrick to learn more of this program.  Great initiative, Pat and colleagues!

Members, please be sure to attend our next two socials on the air.  November will be a directed net on VE6RYC VHF on the topic of “The Year 2020 in Review”.  Please attend and participate.  In December, we will host a Christmas party using the club’s Zoom web conference software.  Please join the party from the comfort of your own home bar or pub. Pour some eggnog and rum for yourself, and show us your best elf or reindeer costume.  Visit the Event Calendar in the web site for days and times. 

Peter LaGrandeur VA6RPL

CARA Executive Secretary. 

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