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Presidents Message - Sept

06 Oct 2020 10:44 PM | Dave Cason (Administrator)

Uhmmm, what? President!?!? Me!? Really?!?!

OK, just so you guys know, I dunno if I want to be in a club that would have me as a member much less the President! (grin). OK, I’ll do it, and I think it’s pretty safe to say those of you in the club who know me know what a serious and studious young man I am.   HA!

Anyway I hope I can do right by you guys and CARA, and if you have any problems or concerns about the club, and the way things are done, please call or drop me a note and let me know what the problems are that you see, and I’ll do my best to make it right! I’ll let you know right now the new Executive won’t be perfect, but if we can make 51% of you happy, that’s a good start! But I think we can hit 99% if we do it right, or at least offer up a decent explanation of why something was done the way it was.

I used to wonder why some things were done the way they were in the past, but boy after sitting on the board for a while, I think I owe some of the old Executive members a beer or two!

Anyway we have quite a bit going on right now with the Repeater Team and the Station Team and CARATELS, so be sure to check out what’s on the website and we’ll do our best to keep it up-to- date. Also, we’ll start the on-line meeting when the monthly meetings soon start, and it’ll be on VE6RYC, and we might try to have it on-line as well at the same time. So you can listen in on a radio and also on-line in Zoom or Google Meetings with a moderator running the on-line part and someone doing net control on the radio.

Anyway I’m happy to do another term as the CARA President, and if I can do half as good a job as Stephane did, I’ll consider that a success. I’d like to welcome Peter and Andy to the board and also thank Jim and Dana for a job well done. We did a bit of a shuffle for roles and who can do what because someone had to withdraw, but I think we did OK.

So here’s this fall’s new action-packed line up on CARA.

  • Dave Cason – President;
  • Harry Maylor - Vice President;
  • Stephane Raimbault – Treasurer;
  • Peter LaGrandeur – Secretary;
  • Andy Norlander – Director.

Lastly, with great sadness we learned that Dale Olsen, former Board and CARA member, became a Silent Key this summer, and we extend our thoughts and prayers to friends and family of Dale.


Dave Cason
C: 403 540 9041 

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