Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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Presidents Message - March

13 Mar 2020 2:25 PM | Stephane Raimbault (Administrator)

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** COVID-19 - Coronavirus and it's effect on CARA **

We have had some nice weather but it looks like we are being thrown back into winter with some colder temperatures and snowfall this month. I still choose to believe we will have an early spring as Balzac Billy predicted on Groundhog Day.

Since my last note to members, the club had our General Meeting in February with a wonderful presentation from Peter Barry VA6PJB on APRS messaging. This spiked interest of more than a few club members with continued interest in APRS. Peter showed off the power of APRS messaging, and we were all able to take away something new from his presentation. The popularity of APRS appears to always be growing in the region and is well supported by the many Digipeaters and Igates in the area.

Club members also participated in a couple public service events that leverage the amateur radio service to provide radio communication for the safety of their event. The Foothills Nordic Ski Club put on their annual Cookie Race in Kananaskis country at the end of February. From what I understand it was a good day for all involved, and the radio operators did a fantastic job as always.

There was also the Cochrane Winter Rally, which I had the pleasure of participating in as net control once again this year. We had a large crew of radio operators supporting the Calgary Sports Car Club once again. This year everything went quite well, and the rally was on-track throughout the day, that is until the last car on the last stage that exited the stage earlier than expected! After a recovery effort, the rally was able to complete a wonderful day north of Cochrane in the Ghost valley. It was an absolute ‘blue bird’ day with rising temperatures throughout the day. Although we did not get above freezing, it turned out to be a wonderful day in the foothills!

Looking ahead, we are continuing the planning for the CARA Spring Flea market which is currently scheduled to take place on April 18th. We are pleased to welcome Ric Henderson, VA6RIC, the local ARES Emergency Coordinator at our next General Meeting where Ric will give us insight on ARES in our community. Our General Meeting is open to the public and all amateurs, and is scheduled on the 4th Tuesday of the month. The meeting in March will take place on March 24th; 7PM… see you there!

73 de VE6NR

Stephane Raimbault

CARA President

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