Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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Presidents Message - June 19th, 2019

19 Jun 2019 12:03 AM | Stephane Raimbault (Administrator)

It has been a very busy year, and as we close another season of meetings with our June meeting, I would like to take the time to comment on the very busy year.

It was this time last year that we gathered for our June election (which occurs every 2 years) and it was with great encouragement that the membership elected 5 club colleagues to the club’s executive including myself. As I look back on the year it is with great thanks to the many club members which volunteer and participate in our meetings, public service events, and all our other club activities that makes this club what it is.

Without the engaged membership, there wouldn’t be much of a club to participate in…. so I thank all of you for partaking!

If you have not had a chance to participate in club activities or volunteer for some of the many roles that helps the club continue to move forward, I encourage you to come out to our general meetings, meet your fellow club members and participate in the fun by volunteering your time where you can.

In appreciation for the membership and those volunteers, our Vice President, Dave Cason proposes that our June meeting includes a bit of a BBQ feast prior to the meeting, so be sure to monitor the website and your e-mails for the meeting details and come early to socialize with your fellow club members.

As I will not be in town at the end of June, I look forward to hearing how things wrapped up at the June meeting from the rest of the executive as we meet over the summer to plan our activities for our next season beginning in September.

I close by wishing you all a fun and warm summer. Please be safe while working on our hobbies and I look forward to seeing you all again at the September meeting!

73 de VE6NR, Stephane Raimbault

CARA President

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