Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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Presidents Message - May 13th

13 May 2019 6:34 PM | Stephane Raimbault (Administrator)

The April general meeting featured a demo put on by Doug Howard, VE6CID and Dave Wick, VA6DBA of a voice linked repeater across the CARANet digital IP link between the repeater sites. The demo included a live QSO between a station in Calgary and a station in Banff between the VE6RYC and VE6RMT repeaters.

I want to extend my thanks and great work to the team behind this voice linking project as this is by far one of the most sought out requests from club members to have a linked repeater system into the mountain parks. We look forward to additional repeaters coming on-line in the system.

On May 4th we had a wonderful showing of the amateur radio community at Disaster Alley, which show cased amateur radio and the capabilities that are possible in a disaster. Many volunteers represented amateur radio to the community overall. Job well done!

The Rocky Mountain Rally is a road rally that requires amateur radio volunteers to help facilitate communications for the event organizers and to ensure safety for both participants and spectators. I for one am looking forward to volunteering at this fantastic event and I hope you will join me as well on Saturday May 25th and Sunday May 26th. You can find more information on the Rocky Mountain Rally and the volunteer opportunities on our website.

On the same weekend as the Rocky Mountain Rally, Dave Swanson, VE6SWN is coordinating amateur radio volunteers for the popular Golden Triangle.

Looking forward to June and July, we have many public service events listed on the calendar. The Banff/Jasper Relay, MS Walk, MS Bike Tour, CARA Field Day and Tour For Kids. These are all activities the members can become involved in to hone your communication skills. And communication skills are very important when we are pressed into providing amateur radio emergency communications for our community.

I look forward to seeing you all at the May General meeting which will take place on May 28th at 7:00 pm at the Calgary Sports Car Club.

73 de VE6NR, Stephane Raimbault

CARA President

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