As we start off a new calendar year I want to wish everyone a happy New Year, and welcome to 2019! As 2018 was a busy year, 2019 promises to be another busy and active year for CARA.
First and foremost I want to congratulate and welcome to the Club the individuals that went through the Basic license class this fall and passed the exam in December. Welcome and I hope to meet you at one of the upcoming general meetings, as well hear you on the air on the local repeaters.
To start 2019 we have another Advanced license class starting on Monday January 14th with over 20 sign-ups. We look forward to another great class where people can upgrade their license or in some cases refresh themselves on the material!
I am already starting to see discussions happening in relation to a spring flea market and Field Day events, and I'm excited to see the plans come out for these events in the coming months.
There are many public service events the club participates in and I encourage members to volunteer. The communication support for the Cookie Race and Cochrane winter rally are starting to gear up, I'm sure there will be more information to come from the various radio coordinators for these events.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and perhaps you could share what new toys you found under the Christmas tree at the next general meeting!
Stephane Raimbault, VE6NR
CARA President