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Urgent appeal for additional volunteers for Maker Faire

26 Oct 2017 11:58 AM | Gordon Hungerford

The club needs additional members to be on site to interact with attendees at the 6th Faire at the Spruce Meadows site this coming Saturday and Sunday.  

This event is an opportunity that draws huge numbers of people with interest and passion to use technology to make things and have fun. This is the kind of audience that may not know of our hobby and its nature in doing the similar things however, may not even know we exist. It’s a chance to attract and retain new members to the club as well as inform the general public to the significance, small as it may be, of our communications capabilities if ever needed.

We need to have at least two members at our display on Saturday and Sunday from 09:00 to 17:00.  All that it is required is to interact with the public interested in our display, the club Comms Unit.

Setup and tear down needs are already in place. If we get 8 to 10 members participating we can reduce shifts to a couple of hours and then you will be free to roam the entire Maker Faire. We have suitable handouts ordered from the ARRL for our Field Day effort at The Military Museum location in June. That event, although not well attended by the general public, did draw the attendance of Calgary’s Mayor for more than an hour.

I suspect that the Maker Faire itself will also stimulate a number of us to see what other hobbyists are doing. As a volunteer in support of our contribution you may be eligible for a free admission pass. I have requested 10 passes but considering the lateness of this development I cannot promise at the moment.

Thanks for considering this request.  If you can commit just drop me an email. I will reply to it as quickly as I can an update the number of participation responses.

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