Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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President's Message April 25, 2017

25 Apr 2017 2:49 PM | Gordon Hungerford

The business portion of the tonight’s General Meeting will focus on upcoming project objectives for spring and summer execution with our Club Station and the Club’s Repeater facilities. The program portion of the meeting will follow and will be titled Field Days, Past and Present.  Start time 7:00 PM, location; CARA Club station, 4215 80th Ave NE.

As of 2:00 Friday April 20 we officially committed to holding Field Day at the Military Museums, just East of Crowchild trial at Flanders Avenue. Jim Leslie, VE6JL, Ameer Shaikh, VE6QAS, Jerry Spring, VE6TL and I met with Sargent Major Jody to discuss how things could/would work and then walked the grounds and rooftops to get the lay of the land for our 2017 Field Day Event.

The area is well set up for Field Day. The site offers the opportunity to run up to three separate stations with separate antennas. The Military Museum has its own event on Saturday that will draw a significant public attendance and provide additional exposure to Amateur radio in Calgary. Food service trucks will be on site during the day. A large army tent will house our public interactions and provide a gathering area for station operators when not pounding brass or running a string of SSB contacts.

This year’s Field day will be one of the largest such undertakings in recent club history. Given its location it will be one of the easiest to attend. With 8 weeks to complete the planning and organizing of the teams we can be well prepared to have Fun and Serve our Community. All members are invited to participate in the balance of the planning and the operation of the club’s 2017 Field Day Event. Looking forward to seeing you tonight.

73 de VE6TI

Gordon Hungerford

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