Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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  • President's Messsage December 18, 2016

President's Messsage December 18, 2016

18 Dec 2016 9:23 PM | Gordon Hungerford

Best of Xmas and Holliday Greetings to all. No GM this month; enough going on in our family lives to focus on at this time of year.

At our November Board meeting we discussed the need for the Board to maintain focus on club objectives and outcomes in order to remain sustainable and meaningful for present and future members. Towards that end we intend to establish some operational roles to take on the responsibility of ongoing management of the club's facilities and delivery of reoccurring service offerings. 

We believe and trust that within our membership the skills necessary to do this are already present. As conceived the roles will be filled by members at large. In addition it provides opportunity for greater member participation in the processes of formation, management and delivery of CARA offerings. The Board will continue to provide directional input and guidance to the members who undertake these management roles. 

At the January Board meeting the roles will be defined.  Membership input is invited/requested. So when you sit down after Xmas and begin writing your New Year's resolutions add in one to contribute your thoughts and ideas on these definitions.

See you again in 2017. Canada's 150 anniversary. Now there is something to think about too. 


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