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Your New CARA Board Gets Started

05 Aug 2016 9:53 PM | Gordon Hungerford

July 25, the Board members elected at the June general meeting met for the first time. Stampede, the Folk Fest, and summer time activities had intervened. However, we were active via phone calls and emails and prior to the first meeting, each of us exchanged input to five questions:

  • What is the scope of my amateur radio interests?
  • What skills and experiences, personal and organizational, do I have to offer?
  • What are my current views and perceptions of the state of our club?
  • What do I think the near term focus for the club could/should be?
  • What do I think the longer-term focus could/should be?

This information served as an introduction to each other as Board members and provided a starting point for the election of officers. The new Board roles landed as follows: Secretary, Peter Barry, VE6PJB; Treasurer, Jim Weisert, VE6GO; Vice President, Robin Greig; VE6RBN, President; Gordon Hungerford, VE6TI and Jerry Spring, Director.

We then considered and adopted the agenda proposed for the balance of the meeting. Past Treasurer, Dale Olson entered the meeting providing financial information and the process to set up the new signing authorities.

Next, each Director’s responses to the last two bullets of the input exercise identified common areas of focus for the near and longer terms. We then set up some general guiding principals as follows:

  • Encourage the exploration and enjoyment of the vast opportunities in the amateur radio hobby.
  • Engage, through program offerings, the young and old, novice and expert.
  • Manage assets, tangible and personnel, to sustain and grow CARA.
  • Communicate openly and frequently with the membership.
  • Identify opportunities for meaningful collaboration with other local and regional amateur radio organizations.

From a personal perspective, I am pleased and excited to be part of the group now charged with guiding the club over the next couple of years. However, history reminds us repeatedly that the success of a club like ours results primarily from the participation, support and commitment of its membership rather than the guidance of its leaders. Let's all have some fun and enjoy each others company as we pursue the lifelong learning opportunities of amateur radio.

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