Calgary Amateur Radio Association

Enjoy Amateur Radio | Serve Our Community

June 2016

06 Jun 2016 7:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Greetings to all Hams,

Summer is with us once again, it's nice and warm, many of us are looking forward to field day and the many volunteer events and activities that are happening in the next few months.  Keep an eye on your email for opportunities to take part.

This is your club and your participation is what makes it what it is.

As most of you know we have brought forward our elections from September 2016 to June 2016 to allow there to be a better transition before the new executive takes the reins in September.

Also as most of you know I have decided after several terms on the executive and as a several term president decided its time to allow others to take this on.  I will at this time still be very involved with the repeater network, APRS, Cameras, Weather, Skimmer and CARANet (our wide area network that is expanding between sites) so will continue to be a part of the life of CARA but more concentrating on this direct role and the encouragement of others to get involved with this great hobby and CARA.

Many will have received the email letting you know that in fact the complete executive has decided to step aside, the majority have been on the executive for many terms and i thank them for their service and understand their various reasons, most the same as my own, also that change and moving forward can best happen if we allow it to.  Many will still be active in CARA and the hobby so won't just disappear!

For those that may considering standing check your eligibility, the list is on the latest edition of Key Klix please give it serious consideration, and start to think how you can serve CARA and the Ham community though this.



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