Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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April 2016

25 Apr 2016 10:40 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Greetings to all Hams,

Thanks to all involved in organizing and participating in the Flea market & Learning conference, it was our best attendance in recent times (257 up 25% on last year). Congratulations to the winners of prizes and hope you all found some good fleas.

 Coming up in on June 4 - 5th is this years Rocky Mountain Rally we need volunteers,  find out more information: or contact Dave Cason at

Also at June's general meeting the last of the year we have decided to hold our next CARA executive elections rather than in September, with the new exec taking office in the new season starting in September. Primarily this was done to allow a cross over between old and new executive, if you are interested contact one of the executive for information on eligibility.

This months General meeting on April 26th Topic is home brew 1kw VHF amplifiers and Tim Ellam VE6SH  IARU president will give us an update from the IARU.



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