Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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  • February 2016

February 2016

22 Feb 2016 1:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Greetings to all Hams!

Thank you to all those who came out to help with the Casino, we had fun and have secured funding for our projects for the next couple of years. It will be a few months for the money to come through.

So its time to start thinking of CARA projects to apply for funding, our main emphasis for this Casino is on maintenance/ refurbishment across the board (other projects will be considered though), the things that have needed to be done for a while that never got the funding they needed.

Another part of this is for members to not only be a project manager for a project(usually the submitter) but for members to take part in the execution of the projects, there should be encouragement to be as many participating as possible. While many of the tasks need specific skills we should also be looking to pass on those skills to others, so be prepared to share to others for a couple of minutes at a meeting about your idea!

This months meeting ( Feb 23rd @ 7 pm at the Calgary Sports Car Club) will be co-presented by CARA and the Calgary Sports Car Club about ham radio and Car rallies, and the vital role we play. Linked to this we have a rally coming up in Cochrane on March 6th that needs radio operators, come out and enjoy a great day out if you are interested check out or contact Mark Lunn at



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