Calgary Amateur Radio Association

Enjoy Amateur Radio | Serve Our Community

January 2016

28 Jan 2016 11:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Greetings and Happy  New Year to all Hams!

Thank you to all who came and participated in last nights general meeting we had approx 50 attend. There were lots of great sharing of equipment and experience showing the width and depth of our great hobby, and i am sure most of us gained some good knowledge from it.

Again congratulations to the Basic Class of Early and Late 2015, and happy studies to the participants in our current ongoing Advanced Class.

As discussed at the meeting this weekend on Sat Jan 30th there will be a VHF Fox hunt, if you are interested meet at the Sunridge coffee Klatch at 8:30am to find out details and the process of what will be a great fun morning.

Keep an eye on Twitter for more information and for other activities.

On Feb 8th and 9th is our Casino @Cash Casino  that funds the majority of the projects Cara does we still need more volunteers (ideally 15 more) to cover the evening and night (cash room shift) if you are able to help check out the web or email Dale at .

Next month (Feb) meeting will be co-presented by CARA and the Calgary Sports Car Club about ham radio and Car rallies, and the vital role we play.


President CARA

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