Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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December 2015

14 Dec 2015 4:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
Greetings and Merry Christmas to all Hams!

Thanks for Bill VE6WK for his show and tell at the last meeting, his Raspberry Pi based portable Azimuth/Elevation rotator system was very impressive, as was the QSO with a ham satellite at the end of the meeting.

Also thanks to Lawence VE6LS for his introduction to EME moon bounce, there is some very creative Hams making nice antenna systems to get that tiny signal back!

Congratulations to our 17 2015 Basic Ham class successful candidates., the standard was very high with several 100% and several very close.

Our January 2016 General meeting on Jan 26th  at our regular meeting place of the Calgary Sports Car Club will be a follow up for them to welcome them to CARA, starting at 7:00pm  from now onward (not 7:30pm)  this will be an extended show and tell, bring along your experiences and equipment to share and show the length and breadth of this amazing hobby to our new hams and any others you may know who are interested in becoming hams.

Also on January 12th our Advanced class starts for 16 weeks, check our website for more details.

Lastly we still need more volunteers for our next Casino on Feb 8 & 9 2016 

contact Mike VE6TC at or Dale for more details the AGLC Form is at that needs to be filled out and passed back to the above for forwarding to AGLC. This is how we fund the majority of our projects and operations so it's important for us to staff well, check website for more details.


President CARA

ps. Note start time of general meetings is now 7 pm for show and tell not 7:30pm as before.

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