Calgary Amateur Radio Association

Enjoy Amateur Radio | Serve Our Community

October 2015

18 Oct 2015 3:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Greeting to all Hams!

October brought the SARA Flea market it was good to catch up with many of you and the local ham community. 

The response to the member survey has been excellent thank you for taking the time to give us you input so far we have 63 responses, it will remain open until this months general meeting. We will be publishing the summarized results within a few weeks of the close, your executive take your suggestions very seriously there will be some changes and some good discussion  as a result.

To try something new the general meeting this month on Oct 27th will start with a 30 minute show and tell starting at 7:30pm. This month it will be about the Raspberry Pi and ham radio by Robyn Greig VE6RBN the main program at 8 pm. will be a review of the recent trip to Pigeon Mountain and the current status of CaraNet (CARA's wide area IP based network)

At the end of the month (31st and 1st of Nov) is the Radium Car Rally around Invermere BC we still need more volunteers to make this event successful, Please contact Dave Cason @ or call 587 215-8165 or call 403 560-9020 for more information.


President CARA

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