Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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September 2015

02 Sep 2015 8:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Greetings to all Hams!

With September comes CARA's new year, there has been a few changes across the Summer, the website being a big part of that, thank you to all those involved, it's a work in progress but the emphasis  on a cleaner less cluttered  interface is i am sure welcome to most of you!

Also with our new year comes membership renewals at $35 for regular renewing members this remains outstanding value, and of course as a member gives you a vote at business meetings.

Coming soon is a member survey, we want to here from you and your views on the many aspects of CARA what we get right and what needs more work, this is your club, your executive represents you not just internally but to the greater Canadian and Worldwide community, so please give the survey the few minutes it will take to help us keep improving.

This months general meeting will be about field day and the great success it was thank you for your efforts as CARA hams and the greater ham community that made it a great event, I hope to have more opportunities for the greater ham community to come together regardless of which club we are part of in the future!


President CARA

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