Ken Read, call sign VE6CBZ, President of the Calgary Amateur Radio Association.
In a few months we will be having elections. Our Treasurer, Stephane Raimbault VE6NR, will be stepping down so we will need a replacement. Stephane tells me the time commitment should be no more than ½ hour every few days. He tells me he will be available from time to time to help whomever becomes the new Treasurer to become familiar with the role and how to handle it. To serve on the Executive, membership in good standing for at least three years is required. Anyone interested is asked to please let the Executive know.
Based upon the success of our last General Meeting and feedback from the members attending, we will be moving our General Meeting from the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM to the third Saturday of the month at 1 PM going forward. The next meeting on February 17th will have two topics. I will be doing a presentation on DMR over a hotspot and will bring mine so that those with DMR radios can play too. Also, for anyone interested Neeroo VE6NRO and Mike VE6TC will be doing a presentation on doing a QSO in a contest.
The Casino is coming up on February 28th and 29th. There are still a bunch of positions open that must be filled or the event won’t happen. We use the proceeds to fund our projects, and without the funds our projects can’t happen. Please go to to sign up for a shift or a position. Please contact Alan Kearley VE6BUZ or if you have any questions.
We do have a number of other events coming up that you might want to start thinking about as well. The Cookie Race will be on February 24th and the Cochrane Winter Rally will be on March 3rd. Please check the calendar for details. I have found these events can be quite fun so they are well worth volunteering for. I’ve already volunteered for the Cookie Race and I will also be involved as a Radio Coordinator with the Cochrane Winter Rally.
The CARATELS Net runs every Tuesday afternoon at 1PM on VE6RYC 2M. The Thursday Evening Rag Chew Net runs every Thursday evening at 7PM on VE6RYC 2M. The Monday Evening Rag Chew Net will take place on VE6RYC 6M at 7PM. Any who wishes to check in to any of these three nets is most welcome.
I also want to remind everyone of the Coffee Klatches that take place every Saturday morning at 10 AM. There is one near the A&W at Chinook Mall and another one near the A&W at Sunridge Mall. I (and my XYL Colleen) usually go to the Sunridge Mall Coffee Klatch. It is often well attended. These klatches are a great opportunity to share experiences, and not just about Ham Radio. The gatherings are open topic. Have fun with which ever amateur radio activity you choose. That’s what it’s all about.
Ken Read, VE6CBZ
President, Calgary Amateur Radio Association