Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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President's Message January 2024

02 Jan 2024 1:00 PM | Patrick (Administrator)

Greetings fellow Amateurs!

Ken Read her, call sign VE6CBZ, President of the Calgary Amateur Radio Association.

I am saddened to announce two recent Silent Keys. Ernest Green, VE6GY, passed away on November 9th,2023. It was some time before we were notified and Don Cole, VE6EY/VA7EY passed away on Sunday January 7th, 2024. He was 86 years old, just two weeks short of his 87th birthday. We will have a moment of silence for these two Silent Keys at the next General Meeting.

We have many new amateurs from the latest Basic Class. Some have already been checking in on our Nets. I want to welcome all our new amateurs to the hobby. You’re in for a lifetime of fun! Congratulations!

We are going to try something new. The January CARA General Meeting will be at the Calgary Sports Car Club on the afternoon of Saturday, January 20th at 1PM rather than Tuesday evening, January 23rd, 2024. The topic will be a hands-on presentation of repeaters (the fun stuff) by Doug Howard followed by a short financials

presentation (because we have to). We’ll do our best to keep the dry stuff to a minimum. There will also be an outdoor barbeque with hot dogs and pop, weather permitting. I hope to see you there.

As a club, we’re also now looking at collapsing the special interest group meetings (DX and VHF) in favour of just one general meeting a month. Topics presented going forward will be from both groups. The thinking at the last general meeting is that the cross-interest exposure may help foster more interest and participation in CARA activities. The Saturday afternoon general meeting is a part of that. Your thoughts would be much appreciated.

We do have a number of winter events coming up that you might want to start thinking about. The Cookie Race and the Cochrane Winter Rally will need volunteers. Please check the Calendar for details. I have found these events can be quite fun so they’re well worth volunteering. I’ve already volunteered for the Cookie Race and I will also be involved with the Cochrane Winter Rally.

The CARATELS Net runs every Tuesday afternoon at 1PM on VE6RYC 2M. The Thursday Evening Rag Chew Net runs every Thursday evening at 7PM on VE6RYC 2M. The Monday Evening Rag Chew Net will take place on VE6RYC 6M at 7PM. Anyone who wishes to check in to any of these three nets is most welcome.

Have fun with which ever amateur radio activity you choose. That’s what it’s all about.


Ken Read, VE6CBZ

President, Calgary Amateur Radio

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