from Peter LaGrandeur VA6RPL, CARA president
Greetings everyone. The summer season is over and it’s now back to work, and back to school, for many of us. I continue to be an examiner for the ISED VHF ROC (M) Maritime Radio course in Calgary.
Despite COVID, we have kept busy over the summer. VE6RYC now has a new roof; we owe a debt of gratitude to the repeater Interest group for that; thanks guys. And the CSCC now has new concrete, landscaping, and parking lot improvements. Thanks to all who participated in that. We are now hoping for some exterior and interior building improvements in the months to come; fingers crossed.
Moving forward, we have the car rally at the beginning of October. See the info pages on the CARA web site for the details. Many thanks to Garry VE6GDS and Dana VA6DJH for the huge amount of radio team coordinating and volunteering that goes into these rallies.
We also have a new client with a new event this fall. These involve providing Comms services for university level athletics, specifically, cross country foot races. More info will follow on this as the logistics fall into place. Since these events are held outdoors, let’s hope that COVID will not lower the boom on them.
Please be reminded that all CARA indoor in-person club activities are still officially prohibited due to the again rising numbers of COVID cases in Alberta, and the increased hazard of the variants. Better to be safe than sorry. Please continue to attend as many of the virtual Zoom meetings that you can.
Don’t forget the September general meeting, the fourth Tuesday of the month, which will be held on Zoom. We seem to get the best turnout using that medium, and the interface allows side chats to keep everything lively. See the club web calendar for details.
We will be sending out a survey this fall with specific questions on what members would like to see from the club. We need YOUR input to help give us the direction for steering the club. Stay tuned for the link for that to arrive on your email in-box.
That’s all for this month; Stay safe and stay busy with our fun radio hobby!