Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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  • 30 Apr 2019 8:27 PM
    Reply # 7313277 on 7309281

    I would certainly agree with you that there is not much quick and newbie stuff for WireX. I have found few things useful for myself and I am still newbie in this hobby. 1) Specific Youtube videos showing you how to use your gear and WireX related teachings 2) WireX Bible

    If you hear/see/use anything about WireX, feel free to share here so that we all could benefit from.


    Anonymous wrote:

    WiresX for dummies? That would have been so helpful! However, I couldn't find anything like that. I got everything hooked up and working good over the weekend. Lots of trial and error. I might be able to help you, though I have only done it on an FTM100dr. Ive done some extensive reading and research into things, along with getting some advice from John Kruk. Though I still have most to learn!

    Last modified: 30 Apr 2019 8:32 PM | Anonymous
  • 29 Apr 2019 9:12 AM
    Reply # 7309281 on 7306182
    Robert MacLachlan wrote:

    I bit my tongue and tried my best not to reply.  But what the heck are repeaters for if we are not to use them?  One hears too often that repeaters in Calgary are dead.  Well, if people are told not to use them, yes they are dead.  And wIth private IRLPs, Echo link, and many other computer ham operating software, is it any wonder the repeaters are dead? 

    As for wires X, I am still trying to figure out how to connect through a repeater.  Not being interested in computers, I don't want to be tied down to a computer but to use a fusion radio portable or mobile.  There is so much information on different Wires X radios, their upgrades, etc. but what is most practicle.  I might be stealing this post, but where can one find an easy to read article on how to set up ones radio to operate on a wires X repeater?  I know Yaesu has a section on wires X so is this the best one to read?  Or has someone else created a Wires X for dummies?  

    WiresX for dummies? That would have been so helpful! However, I couldn't find anything like that. I got everything hooked up and working good over the weekend. Lots of trial and error. I might be able to help you, though I have only done it on an FTM100dr. Ive done some extensive reading and research into things, along with getting some advice from John Kruk. Though I still have most to learn!

    Last modified: 29 Apr 2019 9:14 AM | Anonymous member
  • 26 Apr 2019 9:49 PM
    Reply # 7306182 on 7293602

    I bit my tongue and tried my best not to reply.  But what the heck are repeaters for if we are not to use them?  One hears too often that repeaters in Calgary are dead.  Well, if people are told not to use them, yes they are dead.  And wIth private IRLPs, Echo link, and many other computer ham operating software, is it any wonder the repeaters are dead? 

    As for wires X, I am still trying to figure out how to connect through a repeater.  Not being interested in computers, I don't want to be tied down to a computer but to use a fusion radio portable or mobile.  There is so much information on different Wires X radios, their upgrades, etc. but what is most practicle.  I might be stealing this post, but where can one find an easy to read article on how to set up ones radio to operate on a wires X repeater?  I know Yaesu has a section on wires X so is this the best one to read?  Or has someone else created a Wires X for dummies?  

  • 26 Apr 2019 9:55 AM
    Reply # 7305342 on 7293602

    I have done some operating on wires x through ve6fil, but someone told me I am tying up the repeater, so I want to get away from that.

    Ive been talking with John Kruk, and he has pointed me in the right direction. At the moment, I am waiting to hear back from Yaesu to fix my issue with my IDs for the software.

  • 26 Apr 2019 8:19 AM
    Reply # 7305221 on 7293602

    Hi Matt

    Operate how? You could set yourself up as a PDN, or use VE6FIL and use the repeater. If you use the repeater, press the X key on the radio, it will connect, then you can change the rooms. 

    Feel free to ask for help, we'll try to find the answers together. 

    73 de Greg

  • 22 Apr 2019 4:02 PM
    Reply # 7298374 on 7298248
    Greg Kulin wrote:


    What are you questions?

    I know John Kruk from Yaesu has done some webinars on it, though they may only be available via the two Facebook pages Yaesu has:

    73 de Greg

    Thanks, Greg. I will check those out. Hopefully they will get me going. I just need to know the best way to operate on wiresX.
  • 22 Apr 2019 2:20 PM
    Reply # 7298248 on 7293602


    What are you questions?

    I know John Kruk from Yaesu has done some webinars on it, though they may only be available via the two Facebook pages Yaesu has:

    73 de Greg

  • 18 Apr 2019 7:04 PM
    Message # 7293602

    Good evening

    I am looking to talk about WiresX in depth to answer my questions. Ive tried doing some reading, but the information out there for amateur radio is slim. Would someone be willing to talk about it and answer some questions? I am still new to amateur radio, so I need lots of help! The more time I spend in radio, the more questions I have!

    Thank you.

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