Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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Kananaskis Rally 2017

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  • 15 Oct 2017 1:15 PM
    Reply # 5315716 on 5023933
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Preparation Guideline

    Below is a link to a document containing an updated packing and preparation guideline along with a summary checklist to help you get ready for the rally.

    Operators who are experienced at rally support roles will likely find the summary checklist of most value, as it highlights commonly overlooked items. Operators who are less familiar with rally operations (or who have not been involved for a while) may get additional value out of the detail sections that follow the checklist. This guideline is a condensed version of several guides and packing lists that other hams have used in the past.

    Thanks again for your support!



    Garry (VE6GDS) 

  • 14 Oct 2017 11:56 PM
    Reply # 5314556 on 5023933
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Need more Radio Operators!

    We getting down to the last couple of weeks before the big day! We still need more Radio Operators, as this year's event is running an extra leg. If you're planning to come and just haven't signed up yet, then please do so as soon as you can. If you're considering coming, then just do it!

    Here is the link to the signup page:

    I'll be posting more material here soon, so stay tuned!



    Garry (VE6GDS) 

  • 28 Sep 2017 12:42 PM
    Reply # 5285051 on 5023933
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Volunteer Signup Now Available!

    Hey everyone - the volunteer signup web page is now available and ready for your registration!

    Go to:

    Scroll down about two thirds of the way to the "Volunteer Information" section. At the bottom of that section, you will find the "Volunteer Registration Form" heading. Click the blue "Signup Here" button and it will take you to the registration page. Complete the information and don't forget to submit the form by clicking on the "Volunteer" button at the bottom.

    Note the text on the signup page:

    "If you bookmark this page (with the token) you will be able to update your signup at a later date."

    Also, in the comments section, please be sure to indicate any special requests or concerns, so that we're aware of your particular situation. We may have a *few* spots available for Radio Operators who can only be available for part of the day (e.g morning vs. afternoon), so be sure to indicate if you have limitations or preferences in this regard.

    For the questions that deal with your radio equipment, try to provide generic data, rather than device model numbers. For example, indicate that you have a "5w handheld with stock antenna and APRS" or a "50w mobile with quarter wave whip and APRS", as opposed to a "Kenwood TH-D72" or a "Kenwood TM-D710G with Comet SBB-2NMO". This reduces the amount of research I have to do to understand your situation.

    Register soon and secure a prime spot to enjoy the Rally!



    Garry, VE6GDS

  • 26 Sep 2017 10:40 PM
    Reply # 5281620 on 5023933
    Dave Cason (Administrator)

    Hi Garry,

    Yep, the car clubs sign up sheet is not up there yet but put me down for both days as a blocker in a sexy place ..... or if you're really pooched for guys to run ABCDE start / finish position's I'll do one this year if you need.


    Dave  VE6DED

  • 26 Sep 2017 1:13 PM
    Reply # 5280842 on 5023933
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Rally Update

    Hello everyone. Here is a quick update on the Kananaskis Rally plans.

    As previously mentioned, the Sunday 29 October date for the Rally is confirmed.  It looks like everything is a go for that day.

    The Radio Operators training session is tentatively scheduled for 19:00hrs on Thursday 26 October at the Calgary Sports Car Club (4215 - 80th Ave. NE). Due to pending work on the building, the location may change. So, check back here regularly for possible updates between now and then.

    There are plans to expand the course from that used last year, so we'll be looking for some more Radio Operators. Also, the maps will change somewhat, so watch here for postings on this matter.

    The volunteer signup page should be ready soon. I'll post a link here when I get the go ahead from CSCC.

    For anyone who is interested, there is more information about the Rally available on the Calgary Sports Car Club page:



    Garry, VE6GDS 



    Last modified: 28 Sep 2017 12:43 PM | Garry Spicer (Administrator)
  • 06 Sep 2017 1:47 PM
    Reply # 5066291 on 5023933
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Rally Update

    Hi everyone. I trust that your summer is wrapping up nicely and you got out to enjoy some of that very warm weather we've been having. If we're lucky, then maybe we'll have a warm dry autumn season, too.

    Here is a quick update for anyone who may be considering participation in this year's Kananaskis Rally.  I attended a planning meeting yesterday, and the date (Sunday, 29 October) has been confirmed. That will be good, as it avoids getting tangled up in the clock change from daylight savings back to standard time!

    The course is being expanded this year, so we'll have spots for about 15 Radio Operators in the field. Some of the positions should be AM or PM only, so we can likely accommodate a few Radio Operators who can only be available for part of the day. Having said that, if you're going to drive out there, it's worth being a part of as much of the event as you can make time for.

    The web page for volunteer registration should be up in the next couple of weeks, so I'll post a follow up in this forum when its ready.

    No date has been set as of yet for a training session.  Stay tuned here for more details on that matter, as well. Usually, we try to do the training a week or two before the event.

    In the mean time, we can all start checking our equipment to make sure that things are working as expected. We'll likely be using 2m frequencies for our nets (as usual). If you need to buy, borrow, or bring to life some appropriate equipment, then there is plenty of time to get that done before the event.

    I hope to see you at an upcoming club meeting.


    73, Garry (VE6GDS)



  • 17 Aug 2017 8:15 AM
    Reply # 5033831 on 5023933
    Deleted user

    Awesome! I'm not working that weekend so I'm definitely in. I'm hoping this year to be on course rather than service ;-) 

  • 11 Aug 2017 7:32 AM
    Reply # 5024877 on 5023933
    Deleted user

    That's my first anniversary with my lovely new wife. I fear that I would cease to exist if I were to sign up for this event. Sorry everyone, going to have to pass.

    73 de VA6TDG

  • 10 Aug 2017 3:15 PM
    Message # 5023933
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    QRL?  - SAVE THE DATE!!!

    I trust that everyone is enjoying the warm (hot?) weather we're getting this year. It sure beats the nonstop hailstorms of last summer! Fall is coming soon, though, so it's time to start marking up your calendar.

    The Kananaskis Rally is tentatively planned for Sunday, 29 October, in the Jumping Pound / Powderface area of (you guessed it!) Kananaskis Country just West of Calgary. We'll likely be needing a few more operators than we had last year, as there are expansions planned for the course.

    More details will be posted here, and the date should get confirmed in early September. So, for now, put the rally into your calendar and then get back outside to soak in the sunshine!



    Garry, VE6GDS 

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