Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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Reminder: ARRL June VHF Contest is almost here.

  • 13 Jun 2017 10:10 AM
    Reply # 4898435 on 4859219

    Well done on the contest Tino! After visiting John, VE6KQ yesterday he encouraged me to get on 6M. Yesterday I did put up a small antenna and will try now to take advantage of any openings. I see a lot of activity on dxmaps!

    Hope to meet you at Field Day! 

    73 - Jim, VE6JF

    Last modified: 13 Jun 2017 10:23 AM | Anonymous
  • 12 Jun 2017 10:14 PM
    Reply # 4897775 on 4859219

    Congratulations Tino. Sounds like you had a good time. You mentioned lots of local participation in the contest.  I also hear that some of our members are regularly working Edmonton and other AB locations on a regular basis.

    Perhaps you could post a bit of an article to the Recent Round Table QSO's and get a discussion going about "over the hill and far away contacts on VHF"? It may draw some more members into the activity and generate more readership for the website.

    Is there any kind of a schedule maintained by those active on 2m SSB or CW?  If so, could you post it to the Recent Members Broadcast area.

    I am not sure if we have actually met. If so, pardon my memory. If not I hope to do so soon.  If you happen to get out to the Field Day event at the Military Museum please look me up. As I do not have SSB rig for 2m we will have to have and eyeball QSO. 


  • 12 Jun 2017 7:24 PM
    Reply # 4897629 on 4859219
    Deleted user

    Was a great contest weekend. Lot's of fun had by all the participants. The weather on Saturday caused some problems (understatement) but Sunday was gorgeous. In all, I noted almost double the unique callsigns (local Calgary area) in my log. This is pointing to increased participation, and as a result the contacts/scores by the participants are higher. In my own case I more than doubled my contacts and almost quadrupled my score.

    Why not give VHF contesting a may find that it is addictive. The next major VHF contest is the ARRL VHF SEPTEMBER 2017 CONTEST.

    Tino, VE6MB

  • 29 May 2017 10:32 PM
    Message # 4859219
    Deleted user

    REMINDER: ARRL June VHF Contest -- Time to start planning!

    A reminder that the ARRL June VHF Contest is fast approaching. There are a number of local hams who are anticipating participating in this activity and it would be well received if there were others willing to provide contacts on all simplex frequencies from  6m, 2m, 70cm, 222Mhz, 900Mhz, 1.2Ghz and above.

    Contest Begins 1800 UTC Saturday, runs through 0259 UTC Monday (June 10-12, 2017). Full contest details are available via

    Looking forward to another great turnout with even greater participation.

    Feel free to ask questions here and plan a weekend activity of fun, and see if you're up to the challenge (and maybe even local bragging rights for having the top points in any category). We have some very competitive HAMS here in Alberta.

    Tino, VE6MB

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