Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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March 12 Car Rally

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  • 02 Mar 2017 8:57 PM
    Reply # 4644823 on 4605538
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Hey everyone, the Rally is coming up soon! We have a number of new operators who may be looking for some guidance on how to get prepared for this event and what to bring. The PDF available at the link below is a packing and preparation list for Rally Radio Operators. It's still a first cut DRAFT document and hasn't been peer-reviewed yet. However, it should still provide some useful ideas about what needs to be done to be ready. We'll discuss this at the training session on Thu 09 March at CSCC. In the mean time, if you have questions, feel free to email me.

    See you there!

    Garry, VE6GDS


  • 01 Mar 2017 4:19 PM
    Reply # 4642098 on 4605538
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Here is an update from CSCC concerning rally accommodations at Camp Kindle.


    For those of you needing a place to stay on Saturday evening, as mentioned previously, Camp Kindle will be offering accommodations. 

    The link to the accommodations form:

    Bring your own bedding and expect shared bathrooms. Cost is $65 per person, including breakfast, so it isn’t a bad deal at all. Best of all, the money goes to support the charity!

    The final list for Kindle will be sent in tomorrow, so if you are looking to make accommodations, please complete this form ASAP.

    Link to the Cochrane Rally website (updated periodically):

    Please remember Camp Kindle MUST be accessed by Water Valley.  From Cochrane, you take Hwy 22 north until you reach Hwy 579.  Go west on Hwy 579, pass through Water Valley, and continue for about 9.5kms until you take a right into Camp Kindle. 

    Further details will be made available soon.  

    Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Clem Salcedo

    Volunteer Coordinator 


  • 21 Feb 2017 11:33 AM
    Reply # 4621607 on 4605538
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)


    Here is an update about the rally from Clem Salcedo at the CSCC. More details are available on the website.


    The service park and volunteer appreciation banquet will again be at Camp Kindle, a children’s camp operated by the Kids Cancer Care charity.

    For those looking to cut travel time to the service park on Sunday, there are accommodations available at camp Kindle. Bring your own bedding and expect shared bathrooms, but at $65 per person, including breakfast, it isn’t a bad deal at all. Best of all, the money goes to support the charity!



  • 12 Feb 2017 10:46 AM
    Message # 4605538

    CARA is supporting the VHF communications needs for the efficient and safe conduction of this rally. As a member, new or old, please consider taking part in this event. The following link will take to the Calgary Sports Car Site for information and registration.

    Last modified: 12 Feb 2017 12:19 PM | Gordon Hungerford
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