Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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Silent key: Denny HALMO - VE6MV

  • 08 Aug 2016 10:31 AM
    Message # 4178420

    Email from Jordan Bohun, VE6AXA reports the passing of another long time Amateur in the Calgary community of hams. His text follows.

    "I am very very sorry to inform you that, my best friend Denny HALMO - VE6MV pass-away Saturday August 6, 2016 around 23:00 hr. I am sure all radio amateurs of CANADA will miss him. "

    On behalf of CARA, I express condolences to his family, friends and those in the amateur community that knew Denny and his contributions to ham radio.

    Gordon Hungerford,VE6TI

    President CARA

    Last modified: 08 Aug 2016 10:32 AM | Gordon Hungerford

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