John Allen wrote:
I know it is at least 25 years old and probably subject to electrolytic capacitor failure.
Lately I have installed a CW filter and a new memory battery (a little smaller than the original}. Last fall I also replaced the AT-50 with an LDG KT-100 automatic tuner. I have been doing some phone, some CW and, lately, Winlink HF VARA and FT8. For these digital modes I have been trying to keep the power under 40 watts by the built-in bar graph meter.
It all worked with my fence-top dipole for at least a month after I changed the battery, until a couple of weeks before Field Day 2023 when the combined operation of the transceiver and tuner started acting strange, then the transceiver stopped transmitting in mid-transmission and turn off. Finally, I don't think I could turn it on.
An acquaintance has a Service Manual.
I have subscribed to a TS-50 group on There used to be an archive of a TS-50 group formerly hosted on yahoo, but I can't seem to find it any more.
If it is possible to repair this transceiver I will learn way more than from buying a newer one.
I am not an electronics technologist nor experienced in repair.
Would anyone be willing to take a shot at guiding me through this process?
THi you can get the parts from for the
Manual go here :
finals are To be Verified but I think it is 2SC2879 ~65 usd less shipping.
TOSHIBA 2SC2879 RF/VHF/UHF Transistor 2-13B1A 2SC2879 C2879
To verify what's wrong, Final PCB area. Drive amp area for starters.
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 area's D4 and D3 RX-TX parts to check.
Lots of work. for someone.