Covid Considerations: All activities at the WFD 2022 event shall comply with Alberta Health Services' Covid requirements for indoor and outdoor gatherings.
(as of 2022 Jan 6):
Outdoor social gatherings: Outdoor private social gatherings limited to a maximum of 20 people, with 2 metre physical distancing between households at all times.
Indoor social gatherings: Indoor private social gatherings are limited to a maximum of 10 people 18 and older.
There are no limits on people 17 and under if accompanied by their parent or guardian. It attending the gathering by themselves, they will count towards the maximum limit of 10 people.
The indoor gathering restriction does not apply to mutual support groups,
Please refer to the AHS web site for any updates to the requirements.
Sanitizing wipes will be available in the comm trailer for wiping down surfaces and equipment between users.