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Kananaskis Rally 2019

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  • 07 Nov 2019 9:18 PM
    Reply # 8097416 on 7815559
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)


    I want to take a moment to thank everyone for making this event's radio communications network a success again this year. Our club can be proud of the great work that you did. I am sorry that I could not be there with you. No doubt I missed out on a fun day!

    I want to send special thanks to Dana (VA6DJH) and Stephane (VE6NR), who stepped in to cover much of the organizing work of this event.

    I hope to be part of next year's event. In the meantime, I'm sure that our rally radio operators will keep the torch lit!


    Garry, VE6GDS


  • 06 Nov 2019 8:24 PM
    Reply # 8095680 on 7815559
    Dana Harding (Administrator)

    Thank you to all the radio volunteers who helped make this event a success!

    It is always a significant effort for every individual preparing the
    gear to bring out to an event, and the ongoing efforts of the Repeater
    Team and the Communications Trailer team allowed CARA to provide some of the communications infrastructure for this rally. 

    This infrastructure includes repeaters - VE6RYC (Nose Hill), VE6AUY (Wildcat Hills), VE6RNQ (Portable Repeater), and the Communications trailer which hosted Net Control.

    Many amateurs from the local community were present, and even some local amateurs who were not present on the day helped with the organization beforehand.
    At least one blocker team came down from Edmonton to support the event.

    There were no major incidents during the event - it's a sure thing that VE6RYC's building warmed up significantly during a particularly busy time in the afternoon with multiple recoveries at the same time as multiple requests for and reports of movement on the road.

    During that neither VE6RYC or Net Control missed a beat.

    There were also no incidents before and after the event.  All of the spectators and volunteers safely adapted their driving to the slippery conditions, especially at the south end of the course.

    I did hear, from one of the spectators, about a couple members of the public (not a spectator or volunteer of the event) who were not as well prepared for the area and conditions.  Ultimately able, with a little bit of help, to safely exit the area on their own - the coincidence of the rally happening at the same time these people were in the area was incredibly lucky for them.  Directly because it was actually one of the rally spectators was able to help them out,  secondarily because the event had both the recovery volunteers and the communications infrastructure to get the request for assistance to them. I'm not sure what a typical gratuity is in the rally circles, but if offered -  it likely comes by the case.

    Propagation in the area, as usual, behaved unpredictibly. The afternoon 'trick' where the propagation to VE6RYC has, in the past, swiftly gone away did not occur this year - propagation to VE6RYC moved around a bit but was overall uninterrupted.
    If the propagation had gone away, VE6RNQ was online and ready to go.

    The location where VE6RNQ was situated worked well on 2m and 6m simplex along the entire course, but not very well to the Delta location.
    In a pinch, the contingency would have been to fall back to a simplex
    relay through one of the closer radio locations - Blocker 278, 283, or
    Spectator South.

    One of the areas for consideration and improvement for next year.

    Net Control reports that a 70cm voice link to relay RallySafe information (from a location with cellular service) worked well the entire day.

    There was a fair presence on the 6m band at this rally, including at
    least 4 operators, a link radio for VE6RNQ, and Net Control.
    Comparing 2m to 6m propagation was interesting - with some instances of
    2m having a better quality QSO, and some instances where 6m seemed to
    work somewhat better.

    For any thoughts on improvements for future years, signal reports and
    communications observations from this event, email
    va6djh_rally at

  • 26 Oct 2019 6:46 PM
    Reply # 8078567 on 7815559
    Dana Harding (Administrator)

    KML of radio locations.

    VE6RNQ is not listed - it will be in the vicinity of Location 240.

    KPR2019 Radio Locations v2.kml

  • 26 Oct 2019 6:17 PM
    Reply # 8078563 on 7815559
    Dana Harding (Administrator)

    A couple of assignment modifications.

    Radio Op Assignments v4

  • 24 Oct 2019 9:25 PM
    Reply # 8076563 on 7815559
    Dana Harding (Administrator)

    Please avoid operating UHF on and near 447.000 MHz - this frequency will be in use by the ambulance for crossband.

    UHF frequency coordination was not outlined in the Radio Operators Handbook. Check for and monitor any selected frequencies for interference during use.

    Contact me by email va6djh_rally (at) to discuss frequencies for the 'secret project' test of 6m (50MHz) in the area.

    6m equipment is not required, and is not part of the official communications plan for this event.

  • 24 Oct 2019 6:13 PM
    Reply # 8076401 on 7815559
    Dana Harding (Administrator)

    Everybody should have received an email from the organizers.

    Some details may change, watch your email for those - and let the organizers know if you did not receive an email today (2019-10-24 ~11:00) with this information.

    Version 2 of Radio Operators Handbook for Kananaskis Rally 2019 and initial radio operator assignments:
  • 22 Oct 2019 5:32 PM
    Reply # 8072401 on 7815559
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)

    Update 22 October

    Hi everyone;

    This is just a quick note to let you know what's been happening. The forum has been quieter than usual for this close to the rally and I apologize for the concerns that causes. I'm still waiting on map information and that drives so much of what we do as radio ops at a rally. With any luck we'll get that information soon. (fingers crossed!)

    I understand that the pre-op briefing is still scheduled for Thursday evening, as noted earlier in this forum.

    Thanks for all the hard work that everyone has been putting in. Lots of guys have been making extra effort to be ready. I look forward to a good day in Kananaskis.


    Garry, VE6GDS


  • 14 Oct 2019 5:13 PM
    Reply # 7960052 on 7815559
    Garry Spicer (Administrator)


    Here is a quick update on where things are at with planning for the Kananaskis Rally. It's only a couple weeks away!

    People have been signing up and our numbers are climbing. We could still use a few more operators, though. So, if you're thinking of joining us, please see the registration instructions provided in a prior post to this forum.

    There should be some preliminary map information soon and that material will get posted here, so stay tuned.

    I trust that everyone has had a chance to review the Packing and Preparation Guide as well as the Rally 101 Guide. Being current with this material will help you to be ready for the event.

    The training session has been scheduled for Thursday, 24 October at the Calgary Sports Car Club (4215 80th Ave NE, Calgary). Directions are available on the CSCC webpage (

    As noted at the previous CARA General Meeting, Dana (VA6DJH) is co-Radio Coordinator for this event. Please extend to him your full cooperation as we continue planning and executing this event.


    Garry, VE6GDS

  • 07 Oct 2019 12:07 PM
    Reply # 7921495 on 7815559
    Patrick (Administrator)

    Just a reminder to CARA members with a login on the website that you can subscribe to this or any forum or topic and have it email you with any updates as they are posted. 

    Just click on the "Subscribe to topic" link above, on this topic. 

    Last modified: 07 Oct 2019 12:08 PM | Patrick (Administrator)
  • 07 Oct 2019 9:43 AM
    Reply # 7921255 on 7919987
    Peter LaGrandeur wrote:

    Hi Harry,  Alan Kearling is picking up the trailer prior to the rally and will bring it out to site early Sunday morning.  If he is unable to do that, could you possibly be the standby driver?  Thx

    I don't know what my role is and I'm not sure if my rig can still tow the trailer so that's a solid maybe.  Still think it would be wise to bring the trailer here so that it can be checked over and prepped.  What if there is something that needs attention that was not known previously?  How are the batteries?  Is the guy storing ok with us showing up at 6am on a Sunday?  Things to think about.

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