Calgary Amateur Radio Association

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REMINDER: ARRL September VHF Contest

  • 11 Jan 2019 8:46 AM
    Reply # 6995397 on 4208377
    Robert (Administrator)

    it is that time again  January 19-21, 2019 

    The date will be announced annually by the ARRL but will generally be the third weekend in January. Begins 1900 UTC Saturday, ends 0359 UTC Monday (January 19-21, 2019)

    Last modified: 11 Jan 2019 8:48 AM | Robert (Administrator)
  • 10 Feb 2017 10:31 AM
    Reply # 4602855 on 4208377
    Deleted user

    Contest results were published on ARRL's webpage....local recognition includes:

    • VE6AO as a divisional leader, Unlimited Multioperator Class for Canadian Division, RAC Section.
    • VE6WK/R  Bill Attwood, cracked the top-ten (10th position) overall for Limited Rover Class
    • VE6NR Stephane Raimbeault was Canadian Division winner in the Single Operator -3 Band Class

    Join me in congratulating these efforts!

    .....have YOU operated any of the VHF contests?  Give it a try!

    Tino, VE6MB

  • 09 Sep 2016 8:11 AM
    Reply # 4241734 on 4209494
    Robert (Administrator)

    Here's the plan or VE6AO

    We will have a transceivers active on 2m - 146.550 FM,
      70cm - 446.000 FM,  plus  1.25m - 223.5 FM,  All share a vertical antenna at 90 feet.

    Our west station will be available  operating on FM or SSB  on VHF frequencies using a variety of antenna at 65 feet.

    For the first half hour starting at noon our antenna array will be pointing NNW in hopes of picking up activity in DO22 on 6m - 50.125 , 2m  144.200  and 432.100 SSB

    The bearing at top of our tower is still an issue so we will be turning  the beam by hand toward other GRIDS SQUARES north of Calgary. 

    We will then move the beams to focus on stations due south of us and mainly look for 6 meter openings for the rest of the contest.

    We can move to   52.525 FM simplex if someone with FM mode only needs a multiplier .

    NEW this year we are hoping to get a temporary antenna up for the 1200meg band.   Look for us later in the day on 1294.5 Meg FM. 


    Most activity occurs when the contest starts at noon local time in Calgary on Saturday September 10th.

    Hope to hear you on the air...

  • 31 Aug 2016 9:54 PM
    Reply # 4221335 on 4210122
    Robert (Administrator)
    Robert wrote:

    On Saturday the 3rd we will be at thee station constructing a 1284.5 meg coliear antena out of L,R400 COAX and get station ready

    If any one would like to help get ve6ao ready contact

    OPERATORS NEEDED September 10th


    Last modified: 31 Aug 2016 9:56 PM | Robert (Administrator)
  • 25 Aug 2016 6:31 AM
    Reply # 4210122 on 4208377
    Robert (Administrator)

    If any one would like to help get ve6ao 1200 meg ready contact me

    VE6AO will try to be active in contest



    Last modified: 25 Aug 2016 6:43 AM | Robert (Administrator)
  • 24 Aug 2016 9:30 PM
    Reply # 4209494 on 4208377

    Great post Tino!

    Everyone can join in, it's easy.  You can submit your log or choose just to have fun making some contacts with those who will.

    To make a contact all you need to do is exchange your callsign and gridsquare on a simplex frequency.  No repeaters. Often a signal report is shared as well.

    Your gridsquare can be found here:
    Just pan/zoom to your location and click on the map. Example: Zooming into our club location returns: DO31AC39IW

    For the contest just the first four positions are needed:  DO31. 

    Here's some common simplex frequencies used:

    2m - 146.550 FM, 144.200 USB
    70cm - 446.000 FM,  432.100 SSB
    6m - 50.125 USB,  52.525 FM
    1.25m - 223.5 FM

    Most activity occurs when the contest starts at noon local time in Calgary on Saturday September 10th.  If you want to track your score as you make contacts N1MM logger works well.

    Hope to hear you on the air...

    Last modified: 24 Aug 2016 9:31 PM | Anonymous
  • 24 Aug 2016 11:49 AM
    Message # 4208377
    Deleted user

    A reminder that the ARRL September VHF Contest is fast approaching. There are a number of local hams who are anticipating participating in this activity and it would be well received if there were others willing to provide contacts on simplex frequencies from  6m, 2m, 70cm, 222Mhz, 900Mhz, 1.2Ghz and above.

    Consider if you would be able to provide some contacts, or better yet....why not consider participating yourself? There are those who are also considering mobile/rover activities and others still that are contemplating activating a local mountain top.

    Complete contest rules available at:

    In addition, there are some local VHF enthusiasts who meet and discuss VHF/UHF/SHF activities, antenna designs, etc. via an email distribution list. Consult for more details.

    Tino, VE6MB

    Last modified: 11 Jan 2019 9:20 AM | Robert (Administrator)

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